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Webinar: The Great Retention

Many companies are experiencing high employee turnover in 2022, seemingly with no way to stop people walking out the door. Find out how a high quality retention plan will help you successfully reverse this trend.

Keep your workforce motivated

Completely avoiding employee turnover isn’t an option. An effective retention strategy, however, will help decrease the amount of leavers and increase the productivity of your business. It’s a win win.

Among other things, a good retention strategy covers ways to maintain a strong culture in a hybrid world, clarifies your processes, and prioritises employee wellbeing. So let’s take an in-depth look at what you can do immediately to increase employee retention – without additional expense.

Want to find out more? Then be sure to watch the recording of this webinar immediately.


Company culture


Help your people develop


Bemchmarking compensation


Global Master data


Senior accredited PCC coach Nick Vertigans teams up with our very own thought leader Björn Lorentzon, who has led many international system implementations for Sympa.

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Björn Lorentzon

Björn loves simplifying and digitalising things, and has a vast experience of advising and leading HR functions with his interdisciplinary approach. As Business Development Manager at Sympa, he actively monitors industry trends and acts as a sounding board for digital HR trends within the company. He is also an active speaker and visiting panelist at HR events in Sweden and around the Nordics.

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Nick Vertigans

Nick is a senior accredited PCC coach, mentor coach, facilitator and speaker from London, helping people & teams to develop successful habits and better results. Nick works on leadership, team and individual development. He is an NLP Practitioner, DISC facilitator, challenging people to find their own voice, in order to communicate, motivate, and perform for themselves and their teams.