Tumultuous times call for flexible implementations

Times of sudden change rarely come announced and are hardly ever wished for. Sometimes a company can unexpectedly find itself in the middle of a tough spot. Fortunately, support is available, as the implementation of supportive digital tools can be made very fast if needed and doesn't require meeting each other face-to-face.

The challenge with exceptional situations is that there is always an urgent need for new practices and fast decisions, but there is often no time to make said adjustments – a situation in which organisations’ resilience and ability to change are truly measured.

The phrase ’’exceptional times’’ is often first associated with negative things, such as business constraints due to prevailing conditions, means of production, or changes in legislation. However, there are plenty of positive exceptional situations, for example, a company’s business grows unexpectedly rapidly due to changes in demand or changes in the competitive situation.


Exceptional situations can be positive or negative, but they are often characterised by the fact that there is little time left to actually adjust.


What both positive and more challenging times have in common is that during both, it becomes especially important to take extra good care of the personnel while at the same time supporting short-term goals and longevity of the business. A flexible and versatile HR solution can help you with managing this whole palette and build a solid foundation to stand on.

Organisations that already use an HR solution have a head start: they are able to expand the functionality of their system and adjust their processes very quickly. But don’t let this phase you: it is possible to implement a modern HR system really quickly when the sudden need arises, and the benefits can be seen right from the start.

The ABC of rapid implementations

Buying and implementing an HR system does not have to be a difficult task: in the best case, you can have an HR system with tested best practice functions up and running in as little as a few weeks. If desired, the entire implementation process can be handled online, from start to finish.

When you are aiming for a rapid implementation, you can start by first getting the most vital functions in place. To get started with the benefits of fully digitalised HR, it’s a good idea to first digitise basic personnel and payroll information. You can then start to build HR processes critical to the organisation on top of this foundation in order of priority.


A solid foundation with the most vital functions in place will get you far – both now and in the future.


When choosing a system partner, it is worth noting that previous industry and implementation expertise is particularly useful when speed is key. You should also choose a solution that naturally scales to the size of your organisation and can be adjusted to your needs today, but also tomorrow.

Taking a successful digital leap

In order to fully get on board with the era of digital HR, two things are required from the organisation. First, there must be a genuine desire in the organisation to rethink and reshape existing, perhaps long-serving, business models. This requires internal change management and an organisational culture that supports change.

Second, an open discussion with the service provider is crucial. This requires commitment and the ability to have an honest dialogue about your current challenges and expectations.

You can read all of our tips on how to make the implementation project a successful one, even under a tight schedule, in our implementation guide.

In exceptional situations, you have to pick your fights. Wisely chosen and promptly implemented actions will help you to overcome difficult conditions, and at their best, your current actions will create a strong foundation for the future as well. I encourage you see the situation not only as a threat, but also as an opportunity – as long as you dare to seize it.


Looking for more inspiration?

Tune in to our on-demand webinar to hear about our experiences and expertise when it comes to implementing an HR system 100% online and how easy it can be – even from the comfort of your couch!